
Hypothesis is a Python library for property based testing, similar to what QuickCheck in Haskell. Archimedes provides few parameters for fact and check macros that are used to instruct Hypothesis to generate test data.


Some knowledge of Hypothesis is assumed for this section.

Three macros are provided for controlling Hypothesis: variants, sample and profile.

variants macro controls test data generation. It maps into given decorator in Hypothesis. Body of variants consists of two or more items. Every odd specifies variable name and element after that is strategy specifying what kind of data to generate.

sample maps to example decorator. It specifies concrete examples for variables to check. Other than that, it works just like variants macro (variable, value).

profile maps into settings decorator in Hypothesis. It is used to tweak behaviour of Hypothesis for a specific test case.

Below is an example test case that showcases usage of all these elements.

(require archimedes)
(import [hypothesis.strategies [integers]])

(fact "sum of two positive numbers is larger than either one of them"
   (variants :a (integers :min-size 1)
             :b (integers :min-size 1))
   (sample :a 0 :b 0)
   (profile :max-examples 500)
   (assert (> (+ a b) a))
   (assert (> (+ a b) b)))

This causes test case to be run at maximum of 500 times. There are two parameters a and b, which both are integers and have value of 1 or greater. There is also a specific test case for them being zero.