

Hamcrest is’t installed by default

hamcrest is a framework for matcher objects. It’s very useful for writing expressive tests that are easy to read and report failures in user friendly way. While hamcrest comes with pleothra of predefined matchers, part of the power is extensibility of the framework. Developer can write custom matchers for their specific problem domain.

There are two macros for defining matchers: defmatcher and attribute-matcher.

defmatcher is used to define a generic matcher. Simple example below shows how this is done:

(defmatcher is-zero? []
            :match? (= item 0)
            :match! "a zero"
            :no-match! (.format "was a value of {0}" item))

(assert-that 0 (is-zero?))

Parameters are: name of the matcher, input parameters, rule for matching, how to report match and how to report mismatch. There is special variable item that corresponds to the item that the matcher is being run against.

In case where more general matcher is wanted, an input parameters can be used. These will be available as properties of self in methods:

(defmatcher in-between? [a b]
            :match? (< a item b)
            :match! (.format "value between {0} and {1}" self.a self.b)
            :no-match! (.format "was a value of {0}" item))

(assert-that 5 (in-between? 2 7))

While defmatcher is powerful and can be used to define all kinds of matchers, sometimes a simple one is needed. For these times attribute-matcher is sufficient:

(attribute-matcher item-with-length?
                   len =
                   "an item with length {0}"
                   "was an item with length {0}")

(assert-that "foo" (is- (item-with-length? 3)))

Second parameter defines a function that is run for item being matched and third parameter defines what kind of comparison should be performed. This macro will always result to a matcher that takes a single parameter defining some sort of value, which is then compared to result of the function. Handy trick is to use dot notation to access object method:

(attribute-matcher object-with-name?
                   .name =
                   "an object with name {0}"
                   "was an object with name {0}")

(assert-that obj (is- (object-with-name? "foo")))